Discounts for our loyal clients

Sign up for recurring cleanings
The more frequently we come service your home the less each individual cleaning costs. We give a 10% discount for monthly service clients, 25% discount for bi-weekly service clients, and 33% discount for weekly service clients. Contact Us for more information.

Refer our service to a friend!
As a token of appreciation for our loyal clients. If your referral becomes a client. You will receive a free oven or refrigerator cleaning, your choice. Email your friends now! 

Gift three cleanings
Give three cleanings to your family and friends and get a discount for yourself at the value of the average of the three cleanings gifted. Contact Us to purchase cleanings as gifts.

Write a referral
Go to our social media pages, GoogleYelp or Facebook, and write a positive review. For each positive referral written, we will give you a 10% discount on one of your cleanings. Offer only valid for recurring, residential and commercial clients that have had service with Crystalline Services LLC for more than six months. Customers can only receive the discount once per social media outlet listed here. The discounts are at the owner’s discretion after evaluating the quality of the referral written. We always want our customers to be honest about their experience with us, as they always have been in the past. However, we have had limited customers share their positive experience on public social media and we want to encourage them to do so. This is a limited-time offer.


Contact us for your free estimate.